Sunday, March 21, 2010

Little Bear goes to Big Bear

Big Bear Lake, that is! I took a day trip up into the mountains to see if I could reconnect with any of my bear family... but I didn't see any real bears, just lots of statues and bear logos. I tried to go here, to the SuperBear Arcade, but it was closed. I was surprised and sad that I couldn't play SkeeBall. I wonder if they had any bear games...not any shooting ones, I hope! Look at all the snow still on the roof up here! You could tell which mountain cottages had had people there for the winter by the ones that were cleared -- many still had feet of snow on the walks, drives, and porches.

Because it was such a lovely sunny day, I also spent some time by the lake. The observatory is across the way, though it's hard to see in this picture. If I came here at night, I'd look for my favorite constellation -- the Little Dipper, also known as the Little Bear! :) I thought about going snow tubing, but the lines were long and people don't always see a little bear trying to fly down the hill! There's always next time...