Friday, March 27, 2009

Viva Las Vegas!

I have to say that Las Vegas is a little too fast-paced for this Pooh bear. I felt intimidated by the blackjack and craps tables, plus there was the problem that I couldn't see onto the table from the seats without sitting ON the table -- darn being short -- and in Vegas, they get picky about you sitting on the table and being all close to the cards and dice and things. I would have loved an action shot of me winning the Vegas jackpot, but it didn't quite happen on this trip -- though I did meet this very nice jester at Harrah's!

I enjoyed going to the buffets also -- though in Las Vegas, there is more butter and jam on the breakfast bar than hunny. I had to look very carefully to find it and get my fix! I also had one of those big yard-long frozen drinks, whee!!

After all of that food, I had to do some walking on the Strip to work off those extra calories. Sometimes I needed a friend to hold my hand so I didn't go tottering off into traffic after those drinks! There is really no better place to walk and see the sights and people watch than Las Vegas -- next time I go back, I'll have to remember my camera when I have that drink and show you my other favorite spots!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Spring Training in Phoenix!

This past weekend I went over to Phoenix, Arizona to see some Spring Training baseball! Here I am, cheering on my hometown of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim! They played against the Brewers on Saturday, but they couldn't beat the Brew Crew. I also got to see the Sausage Race in person for the first time -- some day, I'd love to meet one of the Racing Sausages in real life. They are so tall, it would make me look skinny just by association!

Aside from my every day adventures, I'm planning a trip over to Las Vegas later this month too. Thanks for reading my blog and seeing what I'm up to!