Greetings, blog friends! I celebrated New Year's Eve with

friends, old & new -- but it's been a few days since I've had time to get on the computer and leave a note about it. Here I am with my old friend Katie, who loves to make faces... and my new little friend Alex, who was good at hugging and making us dance!

I had fun playing "Apples to Apples", though I couldn't hold the cards with my stubby little arms so I just had to watch. I did enjoy some champagne while I watched... here you can see my other friend Erin, and again, Katie is making faces. She makes me laugh!
Of course, no New Year's Eve would be complete without making some resolutions for the New Year. Here are mine for 2009:
- Lose some weight. Only one jar of hunny per day. Remember to exercise in lots of fun ways.
- Keep traveling. Don't be afraid to try new things.
- Make new friends and spread joy and love. And hunny.
Happy New Year, everyone!