Big Bear Lake, that is! I took a day trip up into the mountains to see if I could reconnect with any of my bear family... but I didn't see any real bears, just lots of statues and bear logos. I tried to go here, to the SuperBear Arcade, but it was closed. I was surprised and sad that I couldn't play SkeeBall. I wonder if they had any bear games...not any shooting ones, I hope! Look at all the snow still on the roof up here! You could tell which mountain cottages had had people there for the winter by the ones that were cleared -- many still had feet of snow on the walks, drives, and porches.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Little Bear goes to Big Bear
Big Bear Lake, that is! I took a day trip up into the mountains to see if I could reconnect with any of my bear family... but I didn't see any real bears, just lots of statues and bear logos. I tried to go here, to the SuperBear Arcade, but it was closed. I was surprised and sad that I couldn't play SkeeBall. I wonder if they had any bear games...not any shooting ones, I hope! Look at all the snow still on the roof up here! You could tell which mountain cottages had had people there for the winter by the ones that were cleared -- many still had feet of snow on the walks, drives, and porches.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Did I just go back in time?
Today I headed out to Cabazon for some holiday shopping, but made a pit stop to say hello to this Apatosaurus on the way! He was quite nice -- quiet like me at first, but once you get to know us... watch out!
Speaking of watch out, he tipped me off to look out for the neighborhood Tyrannosaurus Rex...I took a picture quick as I ran back to the safety of outlet shopping centers!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A tourist in my own backyard
Saturday, September 5, 2009
How do I afford all of these travels?
As many of you guessed, I get to see a lot of neat places, and do many fun things. In this tough economy, travels like mine don't come cheap. It seems like good people have lost money recently when the stock market went down. I used to think the only way to make money in stocks was to buy them and hope they eventually went up. Recently, I met the guys from they introduced me to option trading. With options, there is no reason to wait for stocks to go up. Options allow you to make money even when they go down!
Just like anything else there is a catch. I'm just a bear, and these option guys are very tough competitors. Without help, I would probably lose all of my hunny money. Luckily, I now have some new smart friends that will show me how to trade options the right way.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Miller Park -- Go Brewers!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Door County, Wisconsin
The next day, I decided that I should make sure to exercise a little while I was sight-seeing, so we went to Peninsula State Park and did some hiking around. One of the highlights of the park is Eagle Tower, which is 75' tall and lets you see beautiful views of Eagle Harbor. I made sure to take lots of pictures to prove that I did exercise, as my figure is not proving anything these days.
Here is the view of the tower from the bottom, and me halfway up:
It is a long climb for a little bear!
Here I am at the top -- the view was beautiful!